Presentation of awards for 2009 prize winning articles and inaugural APJ photo competition - APJ INTERNET
Major revamp to the APJ webpage - FORENSIC SCIENCE
Forensic Dentistry and Microbial Analysis of Bite Marks - HOMICIDE
A 1932 Cold Case Report (Was it a Family Feud or a Killer Unknown?) The Murder of Victor Claude Saywell - HOMICIDE
Crocodile Tears – The Murder of Jodie Galante - POLICE EQUIPMENT
The AFP’s Internal Secretion Cleaning Device (ISCD): Not all police work is glamorous! - POLICE EQUIPMENT
Tactical Cops! Or Just Smart OHS. Introducing the NSW Police Force Load Bearing Vest - CHILD ABUSE
Is That You Daddy? – A Typical Offender - BOOK REVIEW
What the Mother Knew - NEW EQUIPMENT
Recon Scout IR – Know Before You Go - FORENSIC SCIENCE
Sweet Tooth Foils Robber